Article source: Government Office Updated: 2023-11-07

(November 7, 2023)



About the main work in 2023

2023 The province cares for the next generation of work,Under the strong leadership of the provincial Party Committee,In accordance with the deployment of the Chinese Customs Work Commission,We will earnestly implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress,坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和对关心下一代工作的重要指示批示为统领,继续以深入学习贯彻落实 《2024欧洲杯下注平台》《2024欧洲杯下注平台》精神为主题主线,坚持以服务和助力广大青少年成长成才为根本目标,Focus on serving the overall situation,Continuous innovation and development,All work tasks have been effectively implemented,关心下一代工作总体呈现强劲发展态势。 


1. Education for young people was further deepened。围绕立德树人这一根本任务,坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想凝心铸魂,以培育和践行社会主义核心价值观为主线,全面加强青少年理想信念、思想道德和法治教育。First, the "inheritance of red genetic engineering" continues to advance。Solid development of youth Party history learning education, issued the "Youth Party History learning Education Program", made full use of our province's red resources, named "the province's care for the next generation of education base" 63, collected video materials of each base in the care for the next generation website broadcast。发挥学校主阵地作用,推动党史学习教育进校园、进课堂、进教材。Daqing Municipal Working Committee took the 100th anniversary of the birth of Iron Man Wang Jinxi as an opportunity to carry out a series of activities of "Paying tribute to Iron Man" and "Following the footsteps of Iron Man", integrating Daqing spirit and Iron Man spirit into the school philosophy and campus culture of all schools。二是社会主义核心价值观教育更具吸引力。Capture the critical period of value formation in adolescents,We will deepen education in core socialist values,引导青少年牢固树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,Strengthen the sense of ethnic community,倡导文明和谐、诚信友善、勤俭节约的传统美德,Promote the spirit of work, struggle, dedication and creativity,Help young people to clarify the coordinates of life。Joint propaganda, education and other departments, relying on mainstream media, school lecture halls and other positions, to carry out "learning four histories, feeling the Party's kindness" speech, essay solicitation, photography, painting and other activities, to strengthen the young people's belief in loving the Party, patriotism and socialism。三是”中华魂”主题教育读书活动更具活力。In cooperation with the propaganda, education, Youth League Committee and other departments, relying on the two teams of five seniors and teachers, reading activities are extended from the school to the community in space, from class to extracurricular in time, and from basic education to quality education in content。Jiamusi Municipal Commission of Customs and Communication will combine the "Chinese soul" theme education activities with the "Learn Sanjiang Yingmodel, do the new era" theme activities to enhance the youth's love for their hometown and gratitude for their hometown。四是”三法”教育对象和途径进一步拓展。While strengthening the education of juveniles in the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and the Law on the Promotion of Family Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Three Laws"), the activities of family social propaganda on the "three Laws" have been extensively carried out。双鸭山全市中小学都开通了法律咨询援助热线,为青少年提供法律服务。Judicial education and other departments have preached the "Three Laws" in family schools in communities, used blackboard newspapers and distributed materials to publicize the "Three Laws", and held forums to explain the "Three Laws" through television broadcasting, and actively popularized the "three Laws" to parents, teachers and other adults, enhancing the legal awareness and ability of protecting teenagers according to law。

(二)助力青少年成长成才工作取得新的进展。In terms of helping the all-round development of youth morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor, serving rural revitalization, caring for delivery boys, etc., we will give full play to the advantages of the Customs and Works Committee and the five old men, and cooperate with relevant departments to contribute to the growth of the next generation。First, the "Ten little stars" campaign was carried out in depth。Local customs work committees and education departments have included the "Ten little stars" activity in their annual plans, listed it as a focus of work, formulated activity programs, established evaluation mechanisms, and increased publicity efforts。Harbin Daoli District Education and Customs Working Committee will combine the "ten little stars" with school and community activities to carry out innovative activities such as "Law-abiding small citizens", "environmental protection small defenders" and "labor small experts"。据统计,全省有135万多名中小学生参加争做”十小明星”活动,5。780,000 primary and secondary school students named "Ten Little stars"。Second, the "Five old Actions for Rural Revitalization" made solid progress。Customs organizations at all levels give full play to the five old men's advantages in the cultivation of rural young talents and the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, participate in the cultivation of new agricultural business entities, carry out skills training for rural youth, mobilize and guide talents who go out to return to their hometown to start businesses, and make positive contributions to the cultivation of young leading talents for rural revitalization。According to statistics, 28,232 rural seniors participated in the training, held 2,432 training sessions for rural youth, trained more than 350,000 young people, and trained 5,095 leaders to become rich。2023,省关工委对”乡村振兴五老行动”中培养的百名优秀青年人才进行了表彰。三是新产业新业态和企业关心下一代工作亮点频现。为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记对加强新业态、新就业群体党建工作和关爱”快递小哥”重要指示精神,The provincial Customs and Work Commission coordinates the provincial postal Administration,在全省13个市 (地)组建了邮政管理局关工委,The Director shall be the director of the Customs Working Committee,The postal system cares for the next generation,Fulfill the main responsibility of caring for "express brother" action。Mudanjiang, Jiamusi, Suihua, Great Hinggan Mountains and other places will also incorporate the postal Administration into the member units of the Municipal Customs Work Committee, Jiamusi, Suihua also appointed the director of the Municipal Postal Administration Customs Work Committee as the deputy director of the Municipal Customs Work Committee。省邮政管理局关工委大力宣传习近平总书记关于新就业形态劳动者权益维护、关爱”快递小哥”的重要指示精神,制定印发《2024欧洲杯下注app》,Conduct business training and skill competitions,帮助”快递小哥”提高文化素质和工作技能。开展”暖蜂行动”,建立爱心驿站、活动之家,为”快递小哥”工作生活提供便利。

(三)关心关爱青少年健康成长工作成果进一步扩大。围绕关爱和保护青少年,尽关工委所能为解决青少年成长过程中面临的困难,用心用情用力为青少年办实事解难题。一是困境青少年群体关爱工作成效显著。Industry organizations at all levels in the province have extensively mobilized social forces to care for and rescue young people in distress. According to statistics, there are 40,507 old people participating in care activities in the province, benefiting 84,839 young people, and saving funds of 35.2 million yuan。发挥五老优势,采取”一帮一”、”多帮一”形式,热心帮教失足青少年。Nenjiang Municipal Customs Work Committee established Yingjie Psychological station, organized five old people to undertake the task of tracking and teaching minors involved in crimes without prosecution in their place of residence, carried out rule of law education, participated in family admonitions, and helped parents supervise their children's daily learning and life。Give full play to the functions and roles of the Customs and Work Commission to strengthen child protection。Harbin Customs Work Committee has established and improved the dynamic management and service files of left-behind children, disabled children and adolescents, played the role of the working mechanism of the "Love alliance", and coordinated the charitable foundation to give one-time donations to 2,050 students from poor families。二是”明亮眼睛”关爱行动取得可喜成果。全省各级关工组织认真贯彻习近平总书记关于儿童青少年近视问题的重要指示精神,落实教育部等八部委发布的 《2024欧洲杯下注平台》,Fully perform the functions of the deliberative and coordinating body,Coordinate with relevant departments to conduct extensive investigation and research,构建起部门协同、专家指导、家校社配合的一体化预防儿童青少年近视的工作机制。齐齐哈尔市关工委及教育局关工委积极建言献策,It is proposed to establish a long-term mechanism for myopia prevention and control in the aspects of overall coordination, supervision and implementation, strengthening physical education and health education in schools, improving school-running conditions, and rationally arranging special funds,市委市政府将做好儿童青少年近视防控工作作为 “一把手”工程,年终作为督导检查的一项重要指标进行考核。大兴安岭地区关工委构建了关工组织+教育+学校+家长+学生 “1+4”工作模式,把学校作为保护青少年视力健康的主阵地,各中小学校成立以校长为组长的预防近视工作领导小组,将近视防控工作纳入学校2024欧洲杯下注平台工作计划,We will implement the "double reduction" measures,Effectively reduce students' academic burden。Boli County, Qitaihe City, in coordination with education, health and other relevant departments, conducted an investigation into the causes of myopia among teenagers, and incorporated the "bright eyes" care action into the management responsibility system of townships, streets and schools to care for the next generation。省关工委对具备一定规模、注重社会效益、在社会上具有较大影响力的53家眼视光专业机构,命名为 “全省关心下一代防控青少年近视科教基地” ,聘请哈尔滨医科大学附属医院5位专家组成专家组,义务参与指导 “明亮眼睛”关爱行动,To provide professional services for the prevention and control of myopia among teenagers。三是协助相关部门共同做好未成年人保护工作。各地关工委按照 《2024欧洲杯下注平台》、《2024欧洲杯下注平台》
And the duties stipulated in the Family Education Promotion Law,Cooperate with public Security Department and other departments,Closely cooperate,积极开展 “关爱明天 普法先行”法治宣传教育,Organize the rule of law reporting group to preach,Hire the vice president of the rule of law to enter the campus;Organize five old people to participate in the supervision of Internet cafes and campus surrounding environment supervision;Carry out activities to establish "zero crime for minors" communities, villages and schools;Strengthen prevention of school bullying,Establish a student bullying reporting system。鹤岗市关工委会同公安、教育、文化等部门,Hire five old Internet cafe supervisors,The Internet cafes and game halls around the school should be reorganized,成立由学校领导、包校干警、五老等组成的 “防控校园欺凌”组织,Establish a school bullying prevention and control system,We will resolutely crack down on campus bullying。大庆市全市中小学校100%配备了兼职法治副校长。杜蒙县建立校园欺凌事件应急处置预案,加强校园欺凌治理的人防、物防、技防建设,通过设立校园欺凌举报箱、匿名问卷调查、查看监控录像、公布学生救助电话等方式,Prevent school bullying in time,There have been no incidents of school bullying in the county in the past year。从整体上看,全省共配齐配强中小学法治副校长和辅导员7336名,参加普法五老3.40,000 people, and 4.19 million young people received education。同时,对依法保护青少年的家长、教师、成年人等重点人群,进行了 “三法”宣传。全省有五老网吧义务监督员5695人坚持参与了网吧监督,劝阻未成年人戒掉网瘾2972人次。 

(4) Actively contribute to the optimization of youth growth environment。认真贯彻习近平总书记关于 “培养好少年儿童是一项战略任务,Matter for the long run,全社会都要了解少年儿童、尊重少年儿童、关心少年儿童、服务少年儿童,为少年儿童提供良好社会环境”的重要指示,Focus on optimizing the growth environment of teenagers,Give full play to the functions and functions of the consultation and coordination body of the Customs and Works Committee,形成了各部门合力营造青少年健康成长环境的态势。省关工委起草制定了《2024欧洲杯下注app》, 并于5月12日召开省直有关部门优化青少年成长环境、依法保护未成年人联席会议,省委宣传部、省教育厅、省检察院等七个省直职能部门在会上发言,Wang Zhijun, then deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, spoke at the meeting,The key work is to build a good legal environment, maintain a harmonious social environment, purify and clean network environment, create a safe campus environment, and create a warm family environment。Customs organizations at all levels shall cooperate closely with relevant departments,Earnestly implement the spirit of the joint meeting,Adhere to strengthening moral casting soul, adhere to optimizing family education, adhere to purifying the campus environment, adhere to deepening publicity and mobilization, adhere to administering the Internet and pipe network according to law, adhere to strengthening government guarantees, and adhere to performing their duties,Carry out in-depth investigations and studies,总结推广伊春市在基层派出所建立 “关爱工作站”和嘉荫县 “未成年人零犯罪”社区等经验,Work in a targeted way。The relevant departments of the provincial government have integrated the work of caring for the next generation into the business work of various departments, promoted the implementation of the relevant work tasks of caring for the next generation while promoting the business work, and focused on establishing and improving the working mechanism of cooperation between multiple departments。The provincial Procuratorate, the provincial Women's Federation, and the provincial Customs and Work Commission jointly established a family education guidance mechanism for minors involved in cases and out of control, a working mechanism for supervision and custody orders, and a mechanism for promoting mandatory reporting。省法院坚持重罚拯救结合,严惩杀害、性侵、拐卖等严重侵害未成年人犯罪。In November last year, the Standing Committee of Suihua Municipal People's Congress passed the Regulations on Environmental Management around the campus of Primary and Secondary Schools in Suihua, which stipulated the environmental management measures and legal responsibilities around the campus of primary and secondary schools。各级关工委按照《2024欧洲杯下注app》赋予的法定责任,把家庭教育作为关心下一代工作的切入点,通过深入开展 “五老为家庭教育做榜样”活动,组织五老参与到指导家庭教育、家风建设中来,Play an exemplary role in driving,并配合学校和有关部门开设家长学校、家庭教育讲座等,Help family education work。全省有28751名五老参与家教家风教育。Yichun Municipal Commission of Communication and Work insists on family education as the basis, school as the main body, society as the support, government as the lead, in-depth exploration of school, family, society, government education resources, in Yichun City children's development plan (2021-2025) to add women, children and family construction related content。In combination with the study and implementation of the "Family Education Promotion Law", Mudanjiang Municipal Customs Work Committee organized and mobilized the majority of the five old people to actively participate in and guide family education to carry out the "Five hometown wind education new seedlings" as the carrier
Education, family style construction, do the model of family education。Xu Qin, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, instructed on the "Research Report on Optimizing the work of the Youth growth Environment" reported by the Provincial Customs and Works Committee: "Please attach great importance to the provincial Department of Education, the Department of Justice, the Provincial Women's Federation, and the Provincial Youth League Committee, and take targeted measures to step up the optimization of the youth growth environment.。” 

Two, should summarize and adhere to the main experience 

(一)坚持思想政治引领,把习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想贯彻到关心下一代工作全过程、各方面。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是新时代关心下一代工作的根本遵循,全省各级关工委全面贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于关心下一代工作的重要论述,Try to think and act in the big picture,We will actively promote the establishment and improvement of a working mechanism under the unified leadership of the Party Committee, the joint management of the Party and government, the active action of the Customs and Working Committee, the active cooperation of relevant departments, and the extensive participation of all sectors of society,不折不扣将习近平总书记关于关心下一代工作的重要指示批示精神落到实处,源源不断为党培养堪当民族复兴大任的时代新人。一是用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想统领关心下一代工作全局。把全面学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的科学体系、精髓要义、实践要求与贯彻落实 《2024欧洲杯下注平台》、《2024欧洲杯下注平台》精神结合起来,深刻领悟党的创新理论的真理力量、实践力量、人格力量,坚定不移用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想统领关心下一代工作,努力把主题教育成果转化为推进新时代新征程关心下一代工作高质量发展的实际成效。二是用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人。按照习近平总书记努力做 “青年朋友的知心人,A passionate youth worker,The leader of the youth masses.,The province's customs organizations at all levels actively play the five old advantages,教育引导广大青少年学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,Help guide young people to understand the world correctly,Consciously strengthen the identification of the path, theory, and emotion of socialism with Chinese characteristics;Help young people learn to analyze and solve problems using Marxist viewpoints,认识和把握中国特色社会主义的历史必然性;引导青少年担当起新时代党和人民赋予的历史重任,将个人的奋斗融入国家和民族的奋斗大潮中,Interpret youth with struggle,Fulfill our mission with hard work。 

(二)坚持在党委的领导下开展工作,更好地运用 “党建带关建”品牌。各级关工委自觉地在党委领导下开展工作,Volunteer to advise the party committee,Cooperate closely with Party committee, government and related departments,认真落实党委对关心下一代工作做出的部署,积极围绕党的中心工作开展关心下一代工作布局,为党委更好地贯彻习近平总书记对关心下一代工作的重要指示批示精神,把关心下一代工作摆上党委工作的重要议事日程,Incorporate into the overall work of Party committees,To achieve the understanding in place, deployment in place, implementation in place。一是在党委统一领导下充分发挥委员会作用。The Provincial Customs and Working Committee issued the Guiding Opinions on Further Exerting the Functions and Roles of the consultation and coordination organs of the Customs and Working Committee, which clearly proposed that the Customs and Working Committee should carry out the work of caring for the next generation under the leadership of the Party Committee, and perform the functions of overall coordination, consultation and service and guidance。In accordance with the requirements of the "Guiding Opinions", the provincial customs and working committees at all levels insist on regularly reporting their work to the Party Committee, earnestly implementing the important decisions of the Party Committee, timely reporting and feedback on the implementation of the situation, and obtaining the consent of the Party committee or the party committee's responsible leaders before issuing important documents, annual work plans, and carrying out major activities。By regularly analyzing the ideological status of young people and caring about the work situation of the next generation, we timely put forward opinions and suggestions to the Party committee for the new situation and new problems in the ideological practice and work of young people, providing basis for the party committee to make decisions, and serving as a good staff assistant。The second is to make full use of the brand of "Party building with Guan building"。党中央历来高度重视基层组织建设工作,党的十八大报告中就提出了 “以党的基层组织建设带动其他各类基层组织建设”的要求,In accordance with this requirement,我们省关工委在全国关工战线最早创建了 “党建带关建”的品牌,And always insist,Good results have been achieved。This year, the Central Committee convened the Party's Group Work Conference to formulate the "Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Party's Group Work", requiring Party committees at all levels to take Party building and group building as an important part of the responsibility system for party building, improve the system and mechanism of Party building and group building, and strengthen the organization and leadership of group work。As a mass work organization under the leadership of the Party, the labor organization should closely rely on the party building to drive the construction of labor organizations, grasp the "steering wheel" of grassroots party building, highlight the guidance of party building, and strengthen the construction of grassroots labor organizations。The "four included, four unified and four in place" created around the country has effectively strengthened the ideological construction, organizational construction, team construction, style construction and work construction of the grass-roots organizations of the customs industry。三是紧扣党委中心工作,服务 “六个龙江”建设和 “八个振兴”的实现。Provincial customs work committees at all levels focus on the central work of the Party committee,配合相关部门把青年作为乡村振兴工作的主攻手和生力军,举办各类型、各层次技能培训活动扶持青年农民本土创业;发挥五老经验、威望、亲情等优势,动员和引导大中专毕业生和外出务工人员返乡创业;助力发展特色产业,Cultivate a distinctive economy,促进乡村发展;以省委省政府2023年全面推进乡村振兴重点工作实施意见中的 “头雁提升工程”为平台,Identify and nurture leading talents for rural revitalization。 

(三)坚持以贯彻落实《2024欧洲杯下注平台》和《2024欧洲杯下注平台》为总抓手,统筹推进各项任务落实。一是学习宣传贯彻《2024欧洲杯下注平台》《2024欧洲杯下注平台》走深走实。Provincial customs work committees and party committees at all levels pay attention to top-level design, detailed deployment arrangements, innovative ways and methods, and comprehensively and systematically study and implement the spirit of "Opinions" and "Detailed Rules" in combination with theme education。Party committees at all levels generally have a stronger sense of responsibility for caring for the work of the next generation, the working mechanism for caring for the next generation under the unified leadership of party committees is becoming increasingly sound, and the system of party committees regularly studying and caring for the work of the next generation is becoming better and better adhered to。In accordance with the requirements of the "Main Task Division Plan" issued by the Provincial Customs and Working Committee with the consent of the provincial Party Committee, each city (locality) and county (urban area) formulated specific implementation opinions based on their own actual conditions, and held meetings in the name of the Party committee or the Customs and Working Committee for mobilization, deployment and arrangement。中国关工委主任顾秀莲同志对我省齐齐哈尔市关工委贯彻落实 《2024欧洲杯下注平台》的做法给予了充分肯定,今年7月在我省上报的工作简报上作出批示: “市关工委在齐齐哈尔市委政府高度重视、坚强领导下,In learning twenty spirit,The implementation of the "Opinions" of the Central Government Office,A lot of fruitful work has been done,Remarkable achievement。The implementation opinions of the two offices of Qiqihar City fully reflect the spirit of the "Opinions" of the Central Office of the State Office, and have the characteristics of the city's concern for the next generation of work, strengthen organization and team construction, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and make clear the requirements of the responsible units, which is a very good document, and hope to earnestly implement it。推动新时代关心下一代工作高质量发展。The second is the organic combination of investigation and research and supervision and inspection。The provincial Customs and Work Committee formed six inspection teams to go deep into the province's 13 cities (localities), 6 provincial departments, 31 counties (urban areas), 96 grass-roots units, to supervise and inspect the implementation of the "Opinions" and "Rules"。Comrade Gu Xiulian, director of the China Customs Working Committee, instructed in the supervision report reported by our province: "The Heilongjiang Provincial Customs Working Committee has done a very solid job in implementing the Opinions of the two offices, with deployment and inspection, and constantly promoting the innovation and development of the Customs Working Committee。Supervision and research have brought back a lot of new situations, new problems and new experiences, and all localities and units have taken effective measures to solve the existing problems seriously。The third is to use the systematic concept to promote the work as a whole。The province's industrial organizations at all levels adhere to systematic thinking, take the implementation of the "Opinions" and "Rules" as an opportunity to comprehensively promote the implementation of the work tasks of caring for the next generation, and form an overall working situation of combination of the upper and lower levels, overall promotion, departmental linkage, joint promotion, horizontal extension, and complement the shortcomings。Focus on top-level design, clear task objectives。The Provincial Customs and Working Committee has formulated and issued the Joint Meeting System of the Provincial Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation, the Guiding Opinions on Further giving play to the functions and roles of the deliberation and coordination organs of the Customs and Working Committee, and the selection and awarding Measures of the Province's Caring for the next Generation of "Caring Enterprises" to guide all localities to actively carry out their work。Pay attention to overall planning and coordinate the interaction of various departments。Establish communication channels and coordination mechanisms, give full play to the functional advantages of member units and relevant departments, share experience and learn from advanced practices, and form joint efforts to care for the next generation。省司法厅从自身职能出发,充分利用公共法律平台,通过法律热线接听法律咨询和心理咨询电话15.5万次,为青少年提供心理疏导723次,积极开展对青少年法治宣传、司法援助、司法救助等活动。In the activity of creating "Safe Longjiang", the provincial Public Security Department relies on the grass-roots police station to establish a public security "care workstation" with retired police officers as the main body to carry out care work for teenagers。Pay attention to horizontal extension, expand the coverage of the enterprise。与省邮政行业主管部门、快递企业Closely cooperate,Actively carry out care work for "express brother",研究提出 “关邮联手、行企主导、部门联动、社区融合”的工作机制,Establish a tripartite joint conference,Report the work status regularly,Study and solve prominent problems,Cooperate in caring activities。最近,Director Gu Xiulian also gave instructions in the "Overview of the care of the next generation of the express industry in our Province" : "Heilongjiang Provincial Customs Work Committee to implement the General secretary's directive on caring for the" Courier brother",Be proactive,Joint related units,Resultant force,开展关心、关爱、助力 ‘快递小哥’成长成才。做了大量卓有成效工作,取得很好成绩。This is a pioneering initiative, and it is worth learning and promoting."。Jixi City Customs Work Committee attaches great importance to the establishment of customs organizations in enterprises and the creation of love enterprises, and increases measures to expand the field of customs work, so that the establishment of love enterprises is steadily promoted。注重机制建设,关工委工作走向规范化。The customs work committees at all levels have taken mechanism building as a fundamental and long-term measure, established regular meetings, joint meetings, consultation and other systems, and further improved the working system of departmental cooperation and linkage。In accordance with the model of "combination of strip and block, co-construction of enterprises and land, and regional cooperation", we will promote the solution of the problem of gaps in the work of forestry, agricultural reclamation, coal mining and other units concerned about the next generation after the separation of government and enterprise。 


全省各地关工委不断加强网络阵地建设、积极搭建网络平台,通过组织线上学习活动、开展网上专题讲座等方式学习党的创新理论;利用各类线上平台,将关心下一代工作向更多受众延伸、让更多青少年参与进来;积极探索利用网络新媒体助力乡村产业发展,帮助农村青年建立 “互联网+农产品”营销体系。目前,全省网上关心下一代工作呈现出以门户网站、网页、微信公众号为主,多种媒体百花齐放的多元模式。The first is to integrate with the strengthening of theoretical armed forces。通过网络平台学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想以及法律知识。哈铁集团关工委以 “哈铁哈尔滨客运段”微信公众平台为载体,Created a number of columns such as "warning education micro class", "Law popularization small class", "Theory micro class", "Learning 20", "The Party's 20 spirit should know should know 100 questions",定期刊发高质量文章供青年职工业余时间学习。北大荒集团 关工委在微信公众号上开设学习专栏,利用线上形式,对党的二十大报告进行系列专题解读。The second is to integrate with key work。通过网络开展关工委的有关活动,扩大学习宣传和活动覆盖面。黑河市在开展 “青少年党史学习月”中,全市有1.6万名学生线上参加南湖嘉兴纪念馆活动,4.25万人利用关心下一代网络地图小程序网上游览了全国党史、国史教育基地。The third is to integrate with the mobilization of social forces。通过网络与有关组织和社会人士共同开展相关的关心下一代活动。嫩江市关工委与嫩江阳光公益志愿者协会联合启动 “关爱困境生 温暖促成长”助学公益活动,通过微信群动员社会爱心人士 “一日捐一元”资助困境学生,150多名爱心人士和志愿者通过微信 “关爱助学群”参与,The total donation is 38,816 yuan,Helped 37 elementary and middle school students in distress。 


At the same time, the customs organizations at all levels in the province continue to play a good role in the publicity of traditional media, pay more attention to the role of new media such as websites (web pages), videos, wechat public accounts, combining online and offline, combining columns and special topics, combining self-run and joint offices, and carrying out multi-channel all-round and three-dimensional customs publicity。一是党的二十大精神学习宣传活动既有声势又有效果。The research report of the province's customs system learning, propaganda and implementation of the Party's twenty Great spirits entitled "Focus on learning, doing and Building New Achievements and Opening New Bureau" was published in the Provincial Party Committee's "Struggle" magazine and the China Customs Work Committee's "Reference piece"。Second, the propaganda carrier is constantly enriched。 "Family Education Newspaper" used four pages to publicize the advanced deeds of the province's most beautiful five old people, and "Heilongjiang Daily" used a full page to report our work in implementing care projects to help young people grow into talents。《2024欧洲杯下注app》杂志今年以来刊发我省典型宣 传方面的文章超过10篇。The website of the Provincial Customs and Communication Commission, the magazine "Shuangyang Hong", concerned about the next generation of work briefing, wechat public account, and published more than 600 articles (articles) of learning experience, special guidance and related activity reports.。Third, the number of correspondents continues to grow。全省关工系统通讯员队伍超过1000人。全省33人报名参加 《2024欧洲杯下注app》通讯员培训班,参训人数列全国各省市第一。各市地县都建立起了以五老为主体,关工委工作人员和青少年相结合的通讯员队伍。一些单位探索建立特聘机制和上稿奖励制度,从主流媒体和宣传、政研部门聘请特邀通讯员。 

(六)坚持适应新时代关心下一代工作的要求,不断强化关工委自身建设。全省各级关工委始终把学习放在自身建设首位,在党的二十大召开、《2024欧洲杯下注平台》一、二卷发表等重要时间节点及时向全省关工委系统发出学习通知,安排时间集中学、紧密联系关工实际研讨学,努力增强百年未有大变局形势下做好关心下一代工作政治责任感和使命感。On the construction of the leadership team of the Customs Working Committee。结合市(地)、县 (市区)领导班子换届,在组织部门支持配合下,关工委领导班子进行了较大调整。There are 66 veteran comrades in the county and above customs working Committee who quit the Customs Working Committee due to age reasons, 78 leading comrades who quit the leadership team at the same level in the past two years have been timely enriched to the Customs Working Committee team, the leadership of the Customs Working Committee has been strengthened, and the team structure has been significantly improved。党委分管领导兼任关工委主任要求基本得到落实。全省13个市 (地)关工委主任有10个由副书记兼任、有2个由常委组织部长兼任。121个县 (市区)有116个由党委副书记、组织部长兼任。In the grassroots customs organization system construction。The establishment of "five good customs organizations" has been carried out in depth, and the construction of grassroots customs organizations such as townships, administrative villages, streets, communities, and schools has been further consolidated and improved, and gradually extended to urban enterprises, courtyards, rural natural villages, and business entities。The expansion of grassroots customs organizations in the province increased by 2.6万个。“五好关工组织”综合达标率由2022年底的87%,提高到90.2%,基层关工组织领导力进一步增强。In the construction of the five old team, local customs work committees pay attention to absorbing five old people who have expertise in public security, justice and other fields to the team, and some rural township customs work organizations pay attention to absorbing co-op leaders and rich leaders who understand operation and good management to the five old team, improving the quality of the team。2023年,全省五老队伍规模仍保持在24万人左右。In the brand, position, five old studio construction。Local customs work committees adhere to the brand creation work as a strategic project, quality projects to grasp, the province has initially formed more than 1,000 various brands, officially named more than 100 provincial-level work brands。把加强青少年教育阵地建设作为开展青少年教育重要抓手和活动载体,确立各类教育阵地1.86万个,其中,There are 1,052 traditional education bases, 643 practice bases, 386 youth activity centers (youth palaces), 1,016 children's homes, 815 after-school activity centers, 1,395 Wulo studios, 1,662 parent schools, 2,362 rural libraries, and 1,516 cultural centers。经省关工委 命名的 “全省关心下一代教育基地”有15个,中国关工委命名 我省的教育基地有12个。拓展五老工作室建设,全省现有五老工作室2250处,场所固定、人员稳定、活动经常。牡丹江市已建成五老工作室242处,有1080名五老参加。 

While affirming the achievement,We also soberly see,Compared to the new era of caring for the next generation of work requirements,There are still some problems and deficiencies in our work,There is not enough balance between cities and regions and between departments,个别地方关工委的委员会作用发挥得不够好,Some aspects of the work lack in-depth research,Innovation and development are not enough。 对此,我们要高度重视,认真研究,切实加以解决。