The fifth Executive meeting of the Municipal government was held in 2024

Issuing agency: government office Release time: 2024-05-02 12:05 Share to

4月30日,The fifth Executive meeting of the Municipal government was held in 2024,传达学习习近平总书记近期重要讲话精神,Convey the spirit of the executive meeting of Suihua City government and the opening spirit of the thematic reading class of the Party discipline study and education for municipal leading cadres,Study and implement suggestions,Make arrangements for the current priorities。
    Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Xiao Fuling presided over the meeting and delivered a speech。
    Li Zhongchen, Shi Chao, Sui Lidong, Li Shiyu, Liu Li, Du Meiling, Wang Xiangang and Liu Chuang attended the meeting。
    会议指出,习近平总书记近期重要讲话和重要文章,对做好我市各项工作具有重要指导意义,全市政府系统要认真学习领会,结合实际抓好贯彻落实。We must adhere to the inspection and rectification as a strong starting point to promote high-quality development and comprehensively strict Party governance, combined with the study and education of Party discipline, strengthen the supervision of rectification, strengthen follow-up and supervision, and strictly grasp the rectification。要深入贯彻习近平生态文明思想,深入打好蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战,持续改善我市生态环境。It is necessary to do a good job of green planting and green increasing, and improve the greening level;Strengthen forest protection and resolutely prevent forest fire accidents。We must adhere to the philosophy of people-centered development, firmly follow the Party's mass line in the new era, work hard and with specific conditions to deliver tangible results for people's well-being, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security。
    Conference emphasis,Straw burning should be prohibited,Do not relax the ideology, do not relax propaganda, do not relax supervision, do not relax supervision;We must do a good job in spring ploughing and production,We will continue to crack down on fake agricultural products,Increase grain production and yield per unit area;We must improve rural living environments,Continuous village cleaning operations;We must do a good job of economic performance,Promote all work efficiently。
    The meeting stressed that the city's government system should improve the political position, take the study and education of Party discipline as the primary political task at present and in the future period, educate and guide Party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, Ming discipline, observe discipline, and consciously abide by Party discipline。It is necessary to accurately grasp the key points and work hard in "true learning", "practical action" and "tree new wind"。It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, consolidate responsibility, strengthen publicity, pay attention to results, closely combine the development of Party discipline learning and education with the promotion of high-quality development, and fully reflect the results of Party discipline learning and education to the development results。
    The meeting stressed that all townships and relevant departments should shoulder the political responsibility for stability, fight the key battle of spring farming production, and make contributions to safeguarding national food security。We must strictly standardize farming hours and do our best to speed up spring sowing production。It is necessary to strictly adhere to technical standards, promote the deep integration of "five good", and improve the level of "four agriculture"。It is necessary to vigorously promote green production methods and greatly improve the quality and market competitiveness of green organic agricultural products。
    The meeting stressed that all township departments should attach great importance to the work of production safety during the May Day holiday, increase the investigation and supervision of safety hazards in key industries, special sensitive places and key areas, and resolutely curb the occurrence of all kinds of safety accidents。It is necessary to do a solid job in forest and grassland fire prevention and control, strictly control the source, and ensure that people are kept in check and fires are contained。It is necessary to improve the departmental emergency linkage mechanism, formulate and improve various types of accident emergency plans, and ensure that in the event of an emergency, the first time to respond and effectively handle the first time。It is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection, do a good job on duty, and strictly implement the 24-hour on-duty system of leadership to the post and key positions。
    Before the meeting, the leading comrades at the meeting also conducted pre-meeting law study and earnestly studied the Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China.。
    The meeting also examined other matters。